Monday 7 October 2013

Healing through nutrition

I had such a lovely weekend at the CAM Expo at Earls Court in London this weekend! The Expo was an event for health practitioners and retailers, which combined a trade show with educational seminars and workshops, centered around presenting the most up to date research relevant to the health industry. The presentation that really struck a chord with me was, ‘Healing the heart with food’, which looked at the value in preventing and also treating cardiovascular disease with nutrition.

As a proponent of nutrition as a preventative measure for disease it was great to hear the most up to date research into both of these areas, which both have relevance to me, both professionally through my business Optimal You, and also on a more personal level, as my dad has ischemic heart disease, and I want to know everything I can that might be able to help him in some way. I am not a medical doctor, and so am not qualified to give advice as to what the best treatment for CHD might be, although the information from the seminar yesterday did ring true for me with the existing knowledge and research I have done.

I’d like to share what I know and what I have learned over the weekend, and hopefully it might inspire you to do your own research and learn about how nutrition might be able to play a part in disease prevention for you J

Cardiovascular disease is the collective term for a class of diseases that affect the heart. It is considered an epidemic, and is the cause of 180,000 deaths per year in the UK, which equates to one in every three of all deaths. Huge statistics I think you will agree.

Treatment for cardiovascular disease includes lifestyle changes, statin medication to help lower cholesterol, and stents put into the heart to help ease blood flow. Research suggests that statins are effective in reducing heart attack risk by 1% when taken for 5 years (McCormack, 2010), and that the benefits of stents extend to angina relief but do not prolong life.

Inflammation is thought to be the cause of most or all disease, and it is suggested that CHD can be reversed, and surgery avoided, with lifestyle and diet modification. Reduce inflammation, reduce disease.

The research into nutrition based healing shows that including nuts and high quality oils into the diet each day can reduce risk of cardiac death by 30% for those patients yet to experience a cardiac event, or by 76% for those that have (compared with 18% for statins).

Raw, steamed, and slow cooked foods are to be favoured instead of frying or grilling, as these cause higher numbers of AGE’s to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation. Just six weeks of making positive choices with regards to cooking techniques can dramatically reduce the inflammation, which leads to disease.

An acidic body environment is associated with cardiovascular risk factors and promoting a more alkaline body environment, through the drinking of green juices and the incorporation of vegetables and potassium into the diet, can change cardiovascular function – with every single meal. There can be a 14% change in endotoxin levels (associated with obesity) after eating a high AGE meal, and so it is important to remember that each meal you eat may have a positive or a negative effect on your health.

Cereals (including wheat) should be eliminated, along with dairy products, with an abundance of vegetables, herbal teas, and water being favoured instead. The idea is to lower the inflammation and to allow the immune system to function correctly as it should. Apples, onions, spinach, and broccoli all contain polyphenols, which promote positive physiology of the body. They reduce inflammation and lower the risk of CVD.

Drinking one glass of pomegranate juice per day can help open up arteries and increase blood flow, and beetroot, celery and spinach can all help vasodilation due to their nitrate content. Taking a prebiotic and a probiotic is recommended, to promote healthy levels of good bacteria, and a positive psychology and sense of purpose should be cultivated in order to lower stress levels and maintain an alkaline balance.

By choosing natural and healthful foods you can create your own positive health and energy, prevent disease, and actually reverse CHD. A plant-based diet is recommended, coupled with exercise, meditation and well-being as well.

Key Points:

1. Each meal that you eat has a profound effect on the way your body functions, within 20 minutes, and also cumulatively.

2. Choose natural, whole foods, and eat more alkaline foods (vegetables, almonds) and less acidic foods (meats, processed foods, sugars)

3. Cook using low heat methods, eat raw, steam, or slow cook.

4. Take prebiotics and probiotics daily (there are 25 billion probiotics in one serving of green vibrance or maximum vibrance).

5. Invest in yourself, your health, and your well-being. 

‘Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food’.

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